About us

JPMorgan Chase & Co. is a leading global financial services firm headquartered in New York with operations worldwide. The firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. is the name of the holding company and the firm serves its clients and customers under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands.

At JPMorgan Chase, corporate responsibility has always been central to how we do business. Employees are also actively involved in corporate responsibility efforts in order to serve the communities in which we operate.

In Japan, J.P. Morgan provides financial services through JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd., JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Tokyo Branch, JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited, and J.P. Morgan Mansart Management Japan Co., Ltd.

Representative Director, President and CEO
Steve Teru Rinoie

Investment banking, fixed income, equities and other businesses; Intermediary of Global Custody service and other asset servicing business provided by JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. and its group companies.

Tokyo Building, 7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-6432


Tokyo Branch Manager and Representative in Japan
Steve Teru Rinoie

Foreign exchange, treasury services and other businesses.

Tokyo Building, 7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-6432


Representative Director and President
Kaguya Komatsu

Investment trust management, discretionary investment management and other businesses

Tokyo Building, 7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-6432


Learn more

Representative Director and President
Tom Wong

Investment trust management

Tokyo Building, 7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6432



Corporations & institutions

With an industry-leading global network across banking and securities, J.P. Morgan utilizes its in-depth financial knowledge and industry expertise to offer services ranging from M&A advisory, to equity and debt underwriting.

M&A advisory: J.P. Morgan provides financial consulting for various types of M&A deals, including cross-border transactions, deals by multinational firms, buy-out funds and complex structures.

Equity Capital Markets: Backed by a strong global network and a wide range of product development capabilities, the firm plays a key role in global equity offerings and initial public offerings to support our clients’ diversified capital needs. We also provide innovative solutions using derivative products.

Debt Capital Markets: With solid execution capabilities supported by its global network, the firm supports client companies with various financial strategies through debt issuance to achieve smooth financing and risk management.

Note: Securities business, financial advisory business and other investment banking businesses are provided via JPMorgan Securities Services Japan Co., Ltd.


Global Corporate Banking plays an important role as a contact point for clients, offering various crossover products and services provided through the Investment Bank, Treasury Services, Markets and Securities Services. Staff serving Japanese-affiliated companies are posted in the major overseas cities where our clients operate, providing comprehensive services.

The firm provides a range of solutions and products, including various types of financing, foreign exchange and derivatives, as well as payment, settlement and cash management services for multi-national corporations, financial institutions and public corporations.

Note: JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. or JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Tokyo Branch conduct business activities, and employees of this division hold concurrent posts.

J.P. Morgan provides comprehensive support for our clients' businesses in Japan and globally by leveraging our extensive infrastructure and innovative financial solutions. We offer a range of treasury services, such as cash management, to Japanese corporations with international operations and global companies with business interests in Japan.

Additionally, J.P. Morgan delivers a wide array of financial solutions, including payments, collections, liquidity management, trade finance, and supply chain finance. We emphasize digitalization and cutting-edge technologies, such as APIs and blockchain, led by our U.S. headquarters.

In Japan, J.P. Morgan has operated Tokyo Dollar Clearing (TDC) Services since 1986 and holds a leading share in the U.S. Dollar Clearing settlement SWIFT market. Our innovative Multibank Gateway enables clients to manage liquidity and payment processes across multiple third-party banks more efficiently. J.P. Morgan is a leading provider by volume of payments in the Foreign Exchange Yen Clearing System among foreign banks in Japan.

Note: Business activities conducted by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Tokyo Branch.

Institutional investors

Fixed income1

J.P. Morgan has been a leading player in the rates and credit markets. In Japan, we respond to our clients’ diverse funding and investment needs through a wide range of hedge and derivative product offerings, outstanding research capabilities, advanced risk management and exceptional product origination capability.


J.P. Morgan offers comprehensive services, including Japanese and non-Japanese equities and derivatives broking and multilateral equity investment strategies. We also focus on electronic trading, including direct market access and algorithmic trading. With an understanding of our clients’ need to reduce market risk, enhance capital strength, and improve liquidity, we deliver innovative products and services to the market by utilizing our global network.

Foreign exchange2

J.P. Morgan provides advice on foreign exchange strategies and offers comprehensive services ranging from global forex analysis to forex e-commerce solutions to meet the needs of corporate clients and institutional investors.


J.P. Morgan's research teams cover the macro economy, rates, forex, credit and Japanese equities. Each team works in tandem with its global counterparts to provide dynamic and valuable data and analysis for institutional investors.


1. Business activities conducted by JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.

2. Business activities conducted by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Tokyo Branch.

3. Business activities conducted by JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Employees of Japan FX Strategy hold concurrent posts in JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. and JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Tokyo Branch.


J.P. Morgan provides various investor services ranging from global custody, securities lending, global fund services, to clearing and collateral management, to assist trust banks, insurance companies, investment managers, and financial institutions.

The firm is also committed to the depositary receipts business, helping Japanese companies gain access to the U.S. market and expand their investor base by establishing American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and other depositary receipts programs.

Note: In Japan, business activities for securities services are conducted by JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Tokyo Branch. Depositary Business activities are conducted by JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.


Advisors & advisory firms

In Japan, the asset management business is conducted via JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited. The firm provides an extensive range of products and services to institutional investors, pension funds, as well as to individual investors via distribution partners such as third-party banks and securities houses. We provide finely tuned sales support to these distribution partner companies.

The firm offers investment products across a full spectrum of asset classes, including equities and fixed income, as well as alternative assets such as hedge funds, real estate and private equity.


Local presence

Letter from the Senior Country Officer

J.P. Morgan’s history in Japan dates back to 1924, the year after the Great Kanto Earthquake when J.P. Morgan underwrote disaster recovery bonds issued by the Japanese government. Since then, Japan has been one of the most important markets for the firm. J.P. Morgan provides various services through JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd., JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Tokyo Branch, and JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Limited to corporate clients, financial institutions and government agencies.

In the words of J.P. Morgan Jr., the firm is dedicated to conducting “first-class business in a first-class way” and to be the world’s most trusted and respected financial services institution. Corporate responsibility has also always been central to how we do business, and we actively contribute to local communities.

We strive to retain talent, and leverage our strength, global reach, expertise, relationships, and our access to capital to continue providing the best solutions for our clients.

Steve Rinoie, Senior Country Officer, Japan

Being a good corporate citizen and operating with integrity is central to how we do business. We help build economies and communities globally.

Through the support of JPMorgan Chase & Co., J.P. Morgan’s corporate responsibility activities support various non-profit organizations and a wide range of employee volunteer activities. Our current initiatives are focused around supporting workforce readiness, and small business development in the communities where we do business. We also offer skills-based volunteering programs that engage employees to help our nonprofit partners.

In Japan, J.P. Morgan currently supports, through commitments from JPMorgan Chase & Co., the organizations below. Our employees also provide pro bono support.

Jobs & skills: Helping youth and women gain future-ready skills to participate in workforce

Sodateage Net TargetNEET Youth (Not in Education, Employment or Training) Provides comprehensive skills training including digital skills and support services as well as exposure to work experience to equip NEET youth with skills and capabilities needed to participate in the workforce. The program has helped 6,000 young people since 2014.
Junior Achievement Japan Target: Junior high school students Support students to make a successful transition from education to employment by inspiring them on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) learning and increasing their awareness of related career pathways.

Small business development

ETIC   J.P. Morgan has established a partnership with ETIC (Entrepreneurial Training for Innovative Communities), a Japanese non-profit organization committed to foster social businesses and their leaders.
RCF Target: Small businesses in Tohoku Supporting small businesses in the tourism sector in Tohoku with an aim to boost the overall business environment in the disaster affected area by helping improve hiring / retention practices and redefine strategy to enhance marketing and service quality, as well as productivity.
MAKOTO Target: Small businesses in Tohoku

J.P. Morgan has developed a partnership with MAKOTO, a general incorporated association committed to fostering entrepreneurs in the Tohoku area and to supporting startup businesses to ensure sustainable growth and create jobs in the region.

Financial health

Japan NPO Center Target: Low-income youth and women, especially single mothers Conducts research to assess and better understand the context, financial needs, challenges and intervention opportunities for low-income youth and women, especially single mothers, to help them better manage their finances and reach their financial goals in life.

We know that our strongest asset is the talent of our employees, and we connect employees to our communities to support inclusive growth in the places where we live and work, including:

  • Traditional volunteerism with nonprofit organizations
  • Supporting the long-term sustainability of nonprofits through pro bono consulting and board service
  • Mentorship programs that help prepare young people for careers and for life, and to support the growth of diverse small businesses

Skills-based volunteering

  • Employees bring specific skills-based expertise to address social issues to support partner NPOs and small business owners
  • Legal clinic for small businesses
  • Legal classroom and English lessons for residents of a children’s home
  • RELINE mentoring and exam preparation for high school children
  • Consultation to small business owners on matters such as management strategy
  • IT skill sessions, such as website creation and project management
  • Financial literacy classes for women and young people
  • Mock interview sessions for youth employment support

Hands-on volunteering

Employees bring general skills to collaborate with partner NPOs engaged in their area of interest.

Children, elderly, people with disabilities, and other populations in need of support

  • Summer camp with children’s home
  • Soup kitchen and food delivery with food bank
  • Sign language class and exchange sessions with hearing-impaired people
  • Children’s soccer camp in Fukushima
  • Sports event for children with intellectual challenges
  • Charity bazaar and summer cleanup for school serving children with special needs
  • Office tour for residents of a children’s home
  • Visit to a guide dog center to support center activities

Environment, animal welfare

  • Mt. Fuji Eco-project
  • Beach cleanup along with environment educational programs
  • Street cleanup in metropolitan Tokyo
  • Maintenance of bird watching conservatory
  • Cat shelter support


  • Charity running with multiple groups; FIT for Charity, Run for the Cure, Yamathon, Tohoku Food Marathon

With a legacy dating back to 1799, we have a history of demonstrating leadership during times of both economic growth and financial instability. Below you will find major milestones from the firm’s history in Japan. The institutions listed in the timeline are several examples of the over 1,200 predecessors that make up today’s JPMorgan Chase.

Major milestones in the firm's history in Japan: 

  • 1906: Yokohama Specie Bank opens an account with the National Bank of Commerce.
  • 1912: J.P. Morgan participates in a syndicate to underwrite an issue of bonds for the City of Tokyo. The purpose of the loan is to assist in electrification of Tokyo's tramways and lighting.
  • 1924: J.P. Morgan underwrites US$150 million in disaster recovery bonds issued by the Japanese government after the Great Kanto Earthquake.
  • 1928: Guaranty Trust Company acts as fiscal agent for Tokyo Electric Light Company Limited’s US$70 million First Mortgage Gold Bonds.
  • 1947: Chase National Bank becomes one of the first foreign banks to open a branch in Tokyo in the post-war era.
  • 1949: Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company opens a representative office in Tokyo and becomes the first foreign bank to do so.
  • 1961: Morgan Guaranty Trust Company establishes a representative office in Tokyo.
  • 1972: Chemical Bank opens a Tokyo branch.
  • 1974: Chase Manhattan Corporation is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
  • 1987: J.P. Morgan Securities Asia Ltd. opens a Tokyo branch.
  • 1997: J.P. Morgan & Co. becomes an official occupant of a seat on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the second largest equity market in the world. This important milestone raises J.P. Morgan Securities Asia Limited’s profile as a full-service securities firm in Japan.
  • 2001: The Tokyo branches of Jardine Fleming Securities (Asia) and Chase Securities close and their businesses are transferred to the Tokyo branch of J.P. Morgan Securities Asia Pte. Limited.
  • 2006: J.P. Morgan Securities Asia Pte. Limited Tokyo branch changes its corporate structure to a Japanese corporation and commences its business operations as JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.
  • 2020: JPMorgan Chase’s Commercial Bank announces an expansion of its business to Tokyo.

J.P. Morgan provides a variety of employee support programs to foster a better working environment and to improve work-life balance for employees.

  • Family Support Booklet: J.P. Morgan provides various resources and services to support our female employees to continue working after childbirth. A number of programs such as parenting leave and childcare leave are also available to our male employees with children. Programs cover such areas as maternity and child care leave, reduced work schedules and staggered working hours after returning to work, as well as subsidies for childcare centers, back-up childcare services, babysitter services, sick-time babysitting and associated coupons. A mother’s room is also available in the office. Many working mothers continue building their careers while raising children.
  • Family Care Leave: Our Family Care Leave program exceeds the legal requirement to allow employees to continue working while caring for family members.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Flexible work arrangements, including flextime, staggered working hours, part-time and work from home arrangements, are available to our employees to support diverse working styles based on job role and family circumstances.
  • Domestic Partner Program: Registered domestic partners and their family members can use programs such as parenting leave, childcare leave, family care leave and congratulatory payments.
  • Employee Assistance Program: J.P. Morgan provides consultation services through a third-party organization that allows our employees to confidentially discuss issues and challenges related to their workplace, career, family, infertility, illness, senior care and the like. It is free 24/7. The service can also be used by employees’ family members.
  • Wellness program: The firm offers an annual health checkup. A Health Fair and various awareness seminars are also held.
  • J.P. Morgan’s Action Plan to support the development of the next generation is based on the Revised Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
  • J.P. Morgan’s Action Plan to support women in the workplace by creating a working environment where female employees can receive support and benefits to achieve work-life balance and accommodate various flexible working styles. Please refer to our Gender Pay Disclosure.

At J.P. Morgan, we believe that if our teams are more diverse, we will generate better ideas and outcomes, enjoy a stronger corporate culture and outperform our competitors. That starts, first and foremost, with building and fostering an inclusive work environment where our employees are respected, trusted and encouraged to bring their whole selves to work. It also means actively working to incorporate DEI considerations into how we hire, develop and support our employees; design and deliver our products and services; leverage our purchasing power; invest in our communities; engage on public policy issues; and more.

Japan’s diversity and inclusion initiatives include:

Female employees

J.P. Morgan actively supports female employees’ career development. The Women On the Move Japan (“WOTM IN Japan”), comprising employees in the Japan office, plays a key role in helping to improve the work environment for female employees, to increase the number of female executives across our franchise and helping our female employees develop their careers over the long term. The group provides employees with numerous networking opportunities, mentoring, training for career progression and skill development programs. WOTM IN Japan also works in partnership with external groups and organizations to provide networking opportunities.

Employees with disabilities

At J.P. Morgan, employees with disabilities work in a wide range of positions. We provide tailored support for these employees as needed, including flexible work arrangements, skills enhancement, and career development, so that they are able to maximize their potential.

Our Access Ability group acts as a resource on disability issues, a voice for employees with disabilities, and a partner in the success of all JPMorgan Chase colleagues.


J.P. Morgan supports LGBTQ+ staff with inclusive policies. For instance, the company’s provisions for child care, family care and parenting leave and ex-gratia payment apply with domestic partners and domestic partner’s children.

Our PRIDE group engages and supports our LGBTQ+ employees, and Allies and management, in promoting an inclusive environment.

J.P. Morgan was again ranked ‘Gold’ in the work with Pride index in 2023 for its inclusive policies and support for LGBTQ+ employees, and was among the first companies to be ranked when the index launched in 2016.


Contact us

To individual customers who hold accounts at JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and its affiliates’ branches in the U.S.:

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Tokyo Branch is not engaged in any businesses for individual customers. If you have an account with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. or its affiliates’ branches in the U.S. and have a question or inquiry about it, please contact their customer service directly at 1-800-935-9935. (Available for 24 hours, 365 days a year. English only.)

For matters other than those listed above, contact J.P. Morgan in Japan:

Tokyo Building, 7-3 Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6432

  • JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.: 03 6736 1111
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Tokyo Branch: 03 6736 1000
  • JPMorgan Asset Management (Japan) Ltd.: 03 6736 2000
  • J.P. Morgan Mansart Management Japan Co., Ltd.: 03 6736 6001

For general inquiries and global media contact information, please visit our Global Contacts.